Old Stuff – Steampunk Mario

Clearing out stuff I would have posted a while ago, if I’d had a web log at the time.

So last Christmas, one of my Awesome sisters decided to be even more Awesome than usual, and help me build one of my good friends a Mario question mark box/Jewerly box, with a twist.

It’s steampunk.

This turned out to be much harder to make than I originally thought it would be to make, andI honestly did very little to help make it (due to lack of skill rather than zeal) a true testament to my sister’s incredible talent.

This was my original concept design –


And here’s how it turned out. The entire thing is actually two boxes, one sealed inside the other, with the gears sitting mounted on the interior one, visible through the holes of the exterior box-

The box.lid open

size comparison top, empty

I ended up finishing it by putting a small red patterned cushion inside, as well as two of these-

Needless to say, my friend was rather happy with the gift 🙂

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